Well, who knew that launching a new digital marketing agency would be such hard work yet good fun? Of course, when I say new, I’m ignoring the fact that we’re not actually that new having blossomed from the digital marketing department of our big brother, iWeb. But the point remains. It was time to stand on our own two feet, to help more businesses grow online, regardless of what platform they’re on.
Having announced our new identity back in April, we’ve spent the rest of 2018 working hard to grow both our clients and our team.
May 2018 marked the official launch of Kanuka Digital, unveiling our new identity and website at iWeb Live 2018.
Like all good websites, ours is continually evolving and we’ve got some major improvements lined up for early 2019. But in the meantime, we’ve been practicing what we preach and focusing on getting ourselves up the search engine rankings, e.g a quick google of ‘Digital marketing agency Staffordshire.’
Ah, the glorious long hot summer of 2018. The summer that football very nearly came home. The summer we kept local Stafford businesses cool by hiring an ice cream van to give out hundreds of free 99s with SEO audit toppings.
We gained plenty of signups to our marketing conference and a few new leads in the process, proof of the power of experiential marketing.
Our inaugural marketing conference Kanuka Live took place on 23rd September and we were delighted by the amount of bums of seats and the overwhelmingly positive feedback we received.
After months of hard work preparing, it was an extremely proud moment to see over 80 business owners, eCommerce managers and marketing professionals from across the UK in one room for a free half-day of marketing trends and actionable insights they could take back to boost their business.
Another big shout out to our headline sponsors Yotpo and speakers Humanoid Productions, BBC UX expert Josh Hillier and Cyber Crime experts Inta Forensics.
We’re already planning our next event for 2019 with more great speakers and bags of free marketing insights. Watch this space!
We’re lucky to work with a fantastic bunch of clients. Without wanting to veer into Gwyneth Paltrow acceptance speech territory, we’d like to say a big thank you to all our great clients – new and old! From long term, ongoing investment into SEO through to paid search and email, we’ve achieved some fantastic results together in 2018.
Here’s just a few of our client success stories. We can’t wait to add to that in 2019.
Chris joined the team in April, just in time for the official launch of Kanuka Digital, and immediately got stuck into putting his wealth of client side eCommerce experience to good use for the likes of Tile Giant, Tower Health and Broxap.
Chris still regularly dons his ‘client cap’, challenging the team to think about projects from both perspectives.
While Charlotte is still officially the ‘newbie’, since joining the team in early September it feels like she’s been here for much longer! Having joined from a specialist paid search specialist agency, Charlotte’s expertise in this area adds another feather to our proverbial cap.
Her skills don’t stop there as she’s also an accomplished copywriter and is currently embracing brushing up on her SEO knowledge.
We’ve got our Kanuka Digital away day in Birmingham this week, where the whole team will be spending the morning mapping out our goals and vision for 2019 and beyond before finishing off with a festive feast and a few rounds of Ghetto golf.
We’re fiercely proud of what we’ve achieved in such a short space of time but it’s only the start of our mission. Next stop, become Staffordshire’s premier digital marketing agency.
So thanks 2018, it’s been a blast but roll on 2019!