AWD-IT are one of the UK’s to go-to destinations for gaming PCs, hardware and accessories.
£1.35m Increase in paid search revenue
135% Increase in conversion rate
2000% Average Return on Ad Spend
After riding the crest of the COVID eCommerce wave in 2020, AWD-IT returns from paid search had started to diminish but no-one could quite put their finger on why. As one of their primary revenue driving channels, we were tasked with reversing this trend. ASAP.
Short term: To stabilise the average Return on Ad Spend which had fallen from 1,000% to 300%.
Long term: To scale their business growth through increased spend and more profitable paid advertising.
We had to start by identifying the reasons why the overall returns from their paid Google and Facebook campaigns were declining. This meant a full, detailed audit of both ad accounts with data-lead insights to highlight exactly what was working and what wasn’t.
This first stage included a sense check and some fine tuning of their attribution models to make sure that our decisions were based on accurate data.
“Kanuka Digital has had an amazing impact with our PPC Campaigns & overall revenue. Not only have they achieved our initial goal, but they’ve continuously exceeded it on a monthly basis. Exciting times ahead!
I would highly recommend the Kanuka Digital team, lovely bunch of people and they have all the answers you need!”
Marketing Manager
By working with the team at AWD-IT to understand their sector and product margins, we were able to devise a new consolidated campaign structure based on best selling but also importantly, most profitable products.
This meant entering a new learning phase for several weeks to collect more data that then allowed us to take full advantage of Google’s automated bidding strategies and lower the cost of acquisition.
Within 2 months, we’d re-established an average Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) of 1,000% and from this solid foundation we’ve been able to scale the accounts to a ROAS of 2,500% which has generated an extra £1.35m in revenue.
Kanuka Digital are a straight-talking digital marketing and web development agency who specialise in making eCommerce businesses flourish online.
✓ 10+ team of marketers, designers & developers with a passion for eCommerce
✓ Proven experience growing eCommerce companies from startups through to FTSE 100s
✓ Backed by iWeb, an award-winning eCommerce agency, with 20+ years experience